“Institutions choose our team because they are confident in our proven track record as practitioners. “

As a full-service educational consultancy firm, RPSS also has a research program designed to provide clients and the wider education industry with insights into key issues, from student-centric best-practice marketing to the most innovative student recruitment and engagement strategies. Universities need to understand the new generation of tertiary prospects. RPSS’ data-driven market research is a vital tool in unlocking the insights supporting your strategic decision-making.

 Market ResearchRPSS collects data from a broad range of sources linked to our deep engagement with students at all stages of the student lifecycle, and critically analyses it to draw out actionable insight. Doing Marketing Research & Surveys, gathering Marketing Intelligence for the Institutions to launch new or existing courses in Iran or in certain markets which can include Feasibility Report to target niche segments of market for a particular course, we provide participating clients with tailored reports, and share aggregated findings with the industry and media.

We are expert in a wide range of Market Research services for educational purposes, and our services for institutions may include, but not limit to:

  • Developing a Marketing Communication plan to launch your operations in our region or new courses or faculty visit. We have very good network of links in Print & Visual/ Digital Media. It may include organizing Press Conference & get Press Interviews for senior people visiting the region like Vice Chancellor, Deans etc.
  • Developing Marketing Plans to recruit more students. This can include organizing Seminar, Workshops and other mass-audience events and gatherings.
  • Helping in setting up local offices in Middle East for the Foreign Institutes.
  • Offering a Comprehensive Management Consulting Services which can include Staff Recruitment, Office Space Rentals, Office day to day running, Travelling, taking care of Marketing, Promotions, Advertisement, and Recruitments etc.
  • Offering Turnkey Consultancy Services/Solutions for Foreign Institutes which can either include Full or Partial Consultancy to set up campuses in our region.
  • Look for local Partners, Establishing Campus Infrastructure, Administration help, Operations, Recruiting Staff, Marketing & Promotions, and Student Recruitment Strategies.
  • Doing Feasibility Report about Co stings, ROI, Future Projections etc. both for Short Term & Long Term Planning.

Please contact us with your specific market research needs.
